
Prices for all WikiBusines services have been updated

2023-09-21 11:46
On September 20, 2023, we updated the prices for all Wikipedia page creation, editing, and maintenance services provided by Wikibusiness.

All the language versions of Wikipedia are divided into 4 price tiers, depending on the intricacy of the work. Basic language versions of Wikipedia became cheaper, complicated ones - more expensive.

English Wikipedia:
🔸Company Page: $1450

🔸Personal Page: $970

1️⃣ Advanced Language Versions:

Russian, Dutch, German, Lithuanian:

🔸Company Page: $1090

🔸Personal Page: $830

2️⃣ Intermediate Language Versions:

Chinese, Ukrainian, Polish, Hebrew, and more:

🔸Company Page: $920

🔸Personal Page: $750

3️⃣ Standard Language Versions:

Greek, Swahili, Slovak, Egypt Arabic etc:

🔸Company Page: $590

🔸Personal Page: $500

4️⃣ Basic Language Versions:

Cebuano, Bahasa Indonesia, Serbian, Romanian etc:

🔸 Company Page: $400

🔸Personal Page: $350

If you do not find the language you need, contact our sales managers:

Please note: Annual support and maintenance fees remain unchanged. The pricing for pages in English Wikipedia has seen an increment, while we now offer discounts on backlinks for bulk orders.

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