The complexity of working with articles (editing, publication) is very different depending on the language version of Wikipedia. The most difficult page is placed in English Wikipedia. Regulations, registration rules and criteria are prescribed and developed extremely scrupulously. The volume of activity of a living person needs to be proved at a minimum of the country territory.
Here you can compare the criteria of Person's significance for three different versions of Wikipedia:
It is easy to notice that the criteria are prescribed with different number of details, and many moments make flexible interpretation and explanation impossible, as in the field of jurisprudence.
So in order to publish an English version of Wikipedia, you need to add the references to publishments in authoritative editions that have an English-language version of the site in a resident country. Moreover, it is also necessary to have relevant certain (not hidden) mentions in the materials of a foreign English-speaking press with a high reputation.
To talk about Ukrainian businessmen and celebrities, the difficulties arise when working with Russian Wikipedia. First, it is necessary to prove that a person and its activities have a noticeable revenue in the territory of the Russian Federation and are significant for Russians. Secondly, you need to have some mentions in the Russian press. At the same time, through the Russian-Ukrainian war you can often encounter a biased attitude of the editors of Russian Wikipedia to the topics associated with Ukraine.
More and more large Ukrainian brands, businessmen and millionaires become insignificant for Russian Wiki and the articles are removed. In a backlog you can see dozens of nominated for extracting or already deleted articles on well-known Ukrainian figures, artists and business representatives.
Moreover, the presence of Wikipedia in other languages (English, Polish, German) is not an argument of significance or caliber of personality activities for Russians.
The rest of the Wikipedia of the world, in small differences, are simpler to work with.