Frequently, when you try to write an article about yourself on Wikipedia, you will find that it will be deleted immediately. At best, it will be done through the voting and discussion procedure, at worst - without explanation. So we decided to present the top 5 most common reasons why articles are removed from Wikipedia. It will help guide and adjust the strategy.
1) Insufficient significance The person or brand is still little known. There is little or even no mentions of them in the press, publications in the media, which prove the importance and scale of activities.
2) Non-encyclopedic style Wikipedia is an encyclopedia. Therefore, the style should be scientific and clear, without epithets, comparisons, advertising phrases, praise and evaluative judgments.
3) Non-authoritative sources Wikipedia has clear definitions of which sources to consider authoritative. Thus, if your PR managers post news in the sections of special projects, press releases and so on, it will not work. Your site is also not AS.
4) The article was created with violations Over the years, Wikipedia has developed numerous rules and criteria. For example, it is forbidden to write about yourself or your company. This is considered a conflict of interest and a violation of the NPOV. (So if you are not aware of that, it is very easy to break a few rules)
5) The article was created by a participant with zero or very small contribution If the article is published by a freshman, it immediately attracts the attention of experienced editors and administrators on various violations. Therefore, the chances of surviving of such article are much lower.